144 N. Broadway St, Medina, OH 44256
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844.722.3800 ext. 9754
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Taxing District:
001 - Brunswick Hills (Brunswick City SD)
002 - Brunswick Hills (Highland LSD)
003 - Brunswick City (Brunswick City SD)
004 - Chatham (Cloverleaf LSD)
005 - Granger (Highland LSD)
007 - Granger (Medina City SD)
008 - Guilford (Cloverleaf LSD)
009 - Guilford (Wadsworth City SD)
010 - Rittman (Rittman City SD)
011 - Rittman (Cloverleaf LSD)
012 - Seville (Cloverleaf LSD)
013 - Harrisville (Cloverleaf LSD)
014 - Harrisville (Norwayne LSD)
015 - Lodi (Cloverleaf LSD)
016 - Hinckley (Highland LSD)
017 - Hinckley (Brunswick City SD)
019 - Homer (Black River LSD)
020 - Lafayette (Cloverleaf LSD)
021 - Lafayette (Medina City SD)
024 - Litchfield (Buckeye LSD)
025 - Liverpool (Buckeye LSD)
026 - Medina Twp. (Medina City SD)
027 - Medina Twp. (Highland LSD)
028 - Medina City (Medina City SD)
029 - Medina City (Buckeye LSD)
030 - Montville (Medina City SD)
031 - Montville (Highland LSD)
032 - Montville Twp. (Wadsworth City SD)
033 - Sharon Twp. (Highland LSD)
034 - Sharon Twp. (Medina City SD)
035 - Sharon Twp. (Wadsworth City SD)
036 - Spencer Twp. (Black River LSD)
037 - Spencer Village (Black River LSD)
038 - Wadsworth Twp. (Wadsworth City SD)
039 - Wadsworth Twp. (Rittman City SD)
040 - Wadsworth City (Wadsworth City SD)
041 - Westfield Twp. (Cloverleaf LSD)
042 - Westfield Twp. (Norwayne LSD)
043 - Gloria Glens (Cloverleaf LSD)
044 - Westfield Center (Cloverleaf LSD)
045 - York (Buckeye LSD)
046 - Medina City (Cloverleaf LSD)
047 - Creston Village (Norwayne LSD)
048 - Chippewa Lake (Cloverleaf LSD)
049 - Wadsworth City (Highland LSD)
050 - Medina City / York Twp. (Buckeye LSD)
051 - Seville Village / Guilford Twp. (Cloverleaf LSD)
052 - Seville Village / Westfield Twp. (Cloverleaf LSD)
053 - Medina City / Lafayette Twp. (Medina City SD)
054 - Creston Village / Westfield Twp. (Norwayne LSD)
055 - Wadsworth City / Wadsworth Twp. (Wadsworth City SD)
056 - Wadsworth City / Sharon Twp. (Highland LSD)
057 - Gloria Glens / Westfield Twp. (Cloverleaf LSD)
058 - Medina City / Lafayette Twp. (Cloverleaf LSD)
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